10.30 - Noon: AGM
12.00: Speaker: Carol Turner: “The Corbyn Labour Party and Trident.”
London Region CND AGM and Annual Conference
Wheel Stop Trident
In 2016 the British government (whoever they might be) will decide whether to scrap the Trident nuclear weapons programme once and for all, or whether to waste £100 billion on the most dangerous weapons humankind has ever produced.
Scrap Trident stall
Hiroshima Day Vigil
Leafleting, candles, shadows, cranes.
Vote Out Trident: Party & Protest
In solidarity with the blockade of the Trident submarine base at Faslane in Scotland - and to mark the Global Day of Action on Military Spending - join us for an evening of party and protest outside the Ministry of Defence in Westminster.
CND Conference & AGM
No Trident Replacement: Strategising for success in 2016.
Celebrating life at the Gates of Death.
Whitsuntide Eucharist at the gates of AWE Burghfield.
Everyone is welcome, of any religion or none.
We will sing and pray our opposition to nuclear weapons.
Saying “No” to Trident renewal
Meet at Construction Gate.
There will be lifts from Burghfield village.
Global Wave 2015: Wave Goodbye to Nukes.
Join the movement and take part in a global wave happening in cities around the world in a timed fashion over 24 hours just before the 2015 Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty Review Conference in New York. Starting at one point on the globe, and then proceeding through each time zone every hour, humanity will 'Wave Goodbye to Nuclear Weapons' through symbolic wave events.
Dismantling the Nuclear Argument for a Sustainable Energy Future
An event on the occasion of the 4th anniversary of the Fukushima disaster and its impact on Europe. In particular, in view of the recent illegal decision to give permission for massive government subsidy of Hinkley Point - highlighting subsequent environmental and economic consequences as well as creating a precedent across the EU.
Rally, March, and Peace Festival
On the eve of the NPT Review Conference, we will be gathering in mid-town Manhattan for an international rally and march to the United Nations.
Peace & Planet Conference
Peace & Planet: International Conference a Nuclear-Free, Peaceful, Just and Sustainable World.
Blockade at Faslane. There will be NVDA training in Glasgow 12 April. See website for details.
Bairns not Bombs.
Oppose the replacement of Trident at a Scrap Trident demo in Glasgow city centre, followed by a blockade of the Faslane naval base on 13 April.
More info at www.scraptrident.org
Woking Debate: “Should the UK Replace Trident?”
Introduced by Dr Frank Boulton (Medact) and Open to the audience.
All welcome. No charge. Lift access. Café on ground floor.
Nagasaki Day
Events around the globe.
21 Lessons from Lifelong Activism
Talk on anti-nuclear action and protest movements with Angie Zelter and Graeme Chesters. 4pm. The event is open to all and will be in Room J19 of the Richmond Building at Bradford University.
New generation of Trident - the case against
Meeting with speaker Bruce Kent.
Embassies Walk
11am Dick Sheppard Chapel, St Martin-in-the-Fields, Trafalgar Square, for liturgy & lunch then join our annual Embassy Walk round the Embassies in London to ask them what progress they are planning to make towards ‘the elimination of all nuclear arsenals’ at the Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in May this year.
All faiths and none welcome; the Embassy Walk is secular.
Wrap up Trident: The Churches Speak.
Join Christian CND in early bird PRAYER AND PROTEST
11.00 am at St Martin-in-the Fields, Trafalgar Square.
11.00 am Prayers in the Dick Sheppard Chapel in the basement.
11.30 am Lunch together in St. Martin’s Cafeteria (profits to their Homeless Project)
12.15 pm Readings of Church Statements against Nuclear Weapons, on the Steps of St. Martin-in-the Fields, Trafalgar Square
Burghfield Lockdown
Mass nonviolent blockade at AWE Burghfield to peacefully disrupt the construction of nuclear weapons, and get in the way of preparations for Trident replacement.
Pax Christi to organise a faith gate presence for potential blockade and time of prayer. Contact Pax Christi is you would like to help/interested in taking part. 0208 203 4884.