Public meeting in St Peter’s Church, Nottingham.
A nuclear weapons-free world: What can Christians do?
Trump's finger on the nuclear button: London CND Conference 2019
With speakers including Ambassador Husam Zomlot, Catherine West MP, Green Party Co-Leader Jonathan Bartley, and Medea Benjamin from Code Pink USA.
'Nae Nukes Anywhere!'
International rally. Marching from Faslane Peace Camp to the North Gate of the nuclear submarine base for the rally, a distance of around a mile. Plus other events over the weekend.
Christian CND AGM and annual Conference
Speakers include: Canon Sarah Hills from Coventry Cathedral will provide our welcome and talk about the work being done in Coventry to bring about peace and reconciliation.
Campaigning in the Age of Trump: CND at 60 public lecture
CND General Secretary Kate Hudson delivers this public lecure to celebrate the 60th anniversary of CND and discuss her upcoming book.
Now More Than Ever tour
The role of the iconic CND symbol - the internationally recognised peace sign - will be marked by the Now More Than Ever tour of Britain.
CND Conference.
Confrontation or cooperation? Nuclear abolition in dangerous times. CND Conference 14th October.
AGM and policy conference on 15th.
Christian CND Embassies Walk.
This year the walk will be focussing on the Nuclear Ban Treaty, and we will be visiting embassies of countries closely involved with the negotiations.
Nukes of Hazard
Workshop on nuclear weapons convoys. A meeting for people interested in the Nukes of Hazard campaign. The workshop will discuss the transport of nuclear warheads on UK roads.
Yorkshire CND AGM and Strategy Day.
Yorkshire CND's Annual General Meeting will be followed by a sessions looking at the group's campaigning strategy.
Independence from America - US bases out!
On the eve of Donald Trump's inauguration as President, hear about the presence and nature of US military bases in the UK.
Kent Area CND Meeting.
Are you a CND member in Kent, or would like to join? Come along to this local meeting.
What will nuclear weapon ban mean for UK defence policy?
Guest speaker, and CND Vice-President, Bruce Kent will be joined by local peace activist Marie Walsh and Chair Dr John Cox to discuss the United Nations' new move to make nuclear weapons illegal.
Constituency lobby to discuss nuclear convoys.
CND is part of the project seeking to raise awareness of convoys carrying nuclear warheads throughout the country and calling for them to be stopped.
So what's the future for Plymouth's 'Trident' jobs? - Report Launch.
Molly Scott Cato, the Green Party MEP for SW England, is launching a report she has commissioned into the jobs based in Plymouth linked to Trident.
A new UN treaty for banning nuclear weapons
Public meeting with local experts Rebecca Sharkey (UK co-ordinator of International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) and Tim Wallis (author of 'The Truth about Trident: Disarming the Nuclear Argum
Stop Trident stall
Stop Trident stall: Crosby Village, by The George Public House. No 53 bus alight at Islington.
CND fringe meeting at Conservative Party Conference
Speakers: Nick Mazzei - Party activist and former army officer, Mohammed Amin - Chair, Conservative Muslim Forum, speaking in a personal capacity. Chaired by Kate Hudson, CND General Secretary.
Stop Trident fringe meeting at LibDem conference
With David Grace, Defence Policy Commission member, Julian Huppert, former MP for Cambridge, Tessa Munt, former MP for Wells and Kell-Marie Bludell, former parliamentary candidate.
CND fringe meeting at Labour Party Conference.
Speakers: John McDonnell MP, Diane Abbott MP, Steve Pound MP, Matt Wrack – General Secretary, FBU, Tosh McDonald – General Secretary, ASLEF.