NIS is a not-for-profit, independent information service, which works to promote public awareness and foster debate on nuclear disarmament and related safety and environmental issues.
Nuclear Information Service
Swingin’ Against the Bomb
Nick Gill’s Oxford Classic Jazz. Sweet, soft and plenty of rhythm. Fifth fundraising concert for Oxford CND. For tickets phone 01865 242919.
Wimbledon Disarmament Coalition/CND
Wimbledon Disarmament Coalition campaigns for peace and nuclear disarmament.
Nuclear Morality Flowcharts
South Cheshire and North Staffs CND
Merseyside CND
Phone: 0151 229 5282
Facebook page:
London Region CND AGM
followed at noon by Annual Conference, with speakers and workshops. The Conference is open to the public. Speakers at Conference will include Kate Hudson, Bruce Kent and Greg Muttitt.
Nuclear Free Middle East, Palestine & Israel
ith Ernest Rodker from the Mordechai Vanunu Campaign. 2pm in the Friends of the Earth meeting room. Preceded by the West Midlands CND AGM at 11am in the WMCND office.