Activities for all ages. All Welcome.
Celebrating Human Rights Festival.
Stop Trident Public Meeting.
Speakers from a range of anti-war organisations will brief about the Trident replacement plan and strategies and tactics to stop it, including mobilising for the Stop Trident demonstration.
Lockheed Martin Christmas Invitation
Everyone is cordially invited to join the Muriel Lesters Trident Ploughshares Affinity group in wishing Lockheed Martin the seasons greetings and requesting that they use their skills for peace and st
New Cold War in Europe
London CND Public meeting.
Speaker: Jonathan Steele, Guardian columnist, roving foreign correspondent and author. - There will be time for questions and discussion after Jonathan’s talk.
Women Against War Walkabout.
Meet at Tadley's Sainsburys outside library at 11.30. Bring peace banners, placards, suffragette ribbons etc. Wear bright colours.
Poppying (white) the Fence.
Aldermaston Womens Peace Camp Silent vigil at AWE Aldermaston. Meet at Main Gate near Tadley at 11am. Bring white poppies and attachments for the fence.
Music for Peace.
Fund raising event in the supporters' lounge of Exeter City Football Club, involving over 30 musicians and singers.
Nuclear exits
Countries have given up nuclear weapons, so can the UK!
Lobby of Parliament
CND has called a lobby of Parliament to oppose Trident replacement.
Stop Trident national demo.
CND is calling a national demonstration to protest against Britain's nuclear weapons system: Trident.
Nuclear-Free-Future-Award Ceremony 2015.
The NFFA recipients of 2015 come from Canada, Austria, Switzerland, the Marshal Islands and the United States.
Chaîne humaine de GDF-Suez.
Organised by: Nucléaire Stop Kernenergie
Exhibition: Transforming the Human Spirit
Saturday 10th October, 2:30 - 6:30pm
Sunday Closed
Monday 12th October, 9:30am - 5pm
All welcome at this exhibition about nuclear disarmament, presented by SGI-UK.
The future of Trident
With Janet Fenton, long-time Scottish activist with CND and others. Discussing the British Trident nuclear weapons system, its proposed replacement, and the relevant British politics.
The future of Trident
With Janet Fenton, long-time Scottish activist with CND and others. Discussing the British Trident nuclear weapons system, its proposed replacement, and the relevant British politics.
The future of Trident
With Janet Fenton, long-time Scottish activist with CND and others. Discussing the British Trident nuclear weapons system, its proposed replacement, and the relevant British politics.
National Demonstration at Tory Party Conference.
CND will be taking our Scrap Trident message to the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester this year, joining thousands of trade union members and supporters who will be marching through the city
What Next After The Failed NPT Review Conference?
London Region CND Public Meeting.
The Trident Debate.
The Peace Agenda London. There are 16,000 nuclear missiles in the world - but who has them, and does Britain really need its own arsenal? Join us in the debate, have your say whether Britain should have a nuclear deterrent.
Scotland and Trident
London Region CND Public Meeting
Speaker: George Kerevan MP. Newly-elected Scottish National Party MP for East Lothian.
There will be time for questions and discussion after George Kerevan’s talk.
This public meeting is followed by a London Region CND Council meeting from 8.30-9pm at the same venue, which people going to the public meeting can stay on for if they wish.