Forthcoming events

Easy to print list of events coming up in the next twelve months.

Sat, 22/02/2025 - 00:00
Lakenheath Alliance for Peace vigil

The Lakenheath Alliance for Peace is organising monthly vigils to continue to highlight that we don’t want US nuclear weapons returning to Britain.

Join us at the main gate of RAF Lakenheath between 12noon and 2pm on the last Saturday of every month.

Contact for more information.

This is a regular event
Mon, 24/02/2025 - 19:00
Peace, Nuclear Threat and the Costs of War - Reflections on Ukraine

Scottish CND are hosting a webinar on the third anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. There will be expert guests discussing the ongoing impact of the war on the Ukrainian economy and civil society, as well as the escalating nuclear threat in Europe and how it can be defused.
Details and booking:

This is not a regular event
Wed, 26/02/2025 - 00:00
Women in Black vigil

WiB - London meets every Wednesday, around the statue of Edith Cavell in St Martin’s Place 6-7. We are very happy to welcome new women to the vigils – even if they can only come once in a while.

Edith Cavell statue in St Martin’s Place
This is a regular event
Wed, 26/02/2025 - 19:00
Book Launch: PINK-PILLED: Women and The Far Right
London N1 9DY

As the far right has gained popularity and acceptance around the world, its ranks have swelled with an unlikely category of members: women.

Women play significant roles in far-right movements, acting as propagandists, prizes to be won and mother-warriors of the nation. But up to now their activities have been largely overlooked. In Pink-pilled, journalist Lois Shearing interviews leading experts and infiltrates communities of tradwives and femtrolls to provide a cutting-edge account of how the far right uses the internet to recruit women. Shining a light on women’s experiences within these movements, Shearing reveals horrifying examples of misogyny and violence.

£12.99 inc book, £3
Housmans Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Road
Housmans Bookshop
This is not a regular event
Fri, 28/02/2025 - 00:00
Women in Black vigil

Women in Black vigils take place at the War Memorial, Old Steine, Brighton.

War Memorial, Old Steine, Brighton
This is a regular event
Sat, 01/03/2025 - 00:00
Women in Black Peace Vigil

Oxford Women in Black hold a silent vigil for Peace and Justice every Saturday from 2pm to 3pm at the Martyrs Memorial, bottom of St Giles, Oxford.
Contact to go on our WhatsApp group for up to date information about forthcoming vigils.

This is a regular event
Sat, 01/03/2025 - 19:00
BOOK LAUNCH: Christopher Hill:The Life of a Radical Historian by Michael Braddick
London N1 9DY

Housmans is delighted to welcome Professor Michel Braddick to Housmans to discuss his brilliant, facinating and wonderfully detailed biography of the great Marxist Historian Christopher Hill. Bookings:

£35 inc book, £3
Housmans Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Road
Housmans Bookshop
This is not a regular event
Tue, 04/03/2025 (All day)
WILPF Brighton and Hove meeting

The Brighton, Hove and District Branch of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom hold regular monthly meetings from 10.30am till 12.00 on the first Tuesday of the month.
We also have a zoom meeting at 7pm on the same evening of the same day for those unable to get to the morning meeting.

Jubilee Library, Brighton
This is a regular event
Wed, 05/03/2025 - 00:00
Women in Black vigil

WiB - London meets every Wednesday, around the statue of Edith Cavell in St Martin’s Place 6-7. We are very happy to welcome new women to the vigils – even if they can only come once in a while.

Edith Cavell statue in St Martin’s Place
This is a regular event
Wed, 05/03/2025 (All day)
International Day for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Awareness.

A day to seeks to promote better awareness and understanding of disarmament issues among the public, especially young people.

This is a regular event