Resist the DPRTE arms fair - Farnborough

Wed, 23/06/2021 (All day)
Regular event?: 
This is not a regular event

With arms dealers planning a hybrid event that's both in-person and online, local people from Greater Rushmoor Action for Peace are planning to resist - with help from others around the UK and the world.

The DPRTE arms fair has moved around the UK because wherever it goes, people object. It used to be in Bristol, but local resistance was so great that organisers moved it to Cardiff for a few years, before local people chased it out of Cardiff too. Then they planned to hold it in Birmingham, but opposition in the Midlands led to them to scrap that idea before it had even taken place once there.

Now it's in Farnborough, where BAE Systems and other parts of the arms industry are based. But arms dealers were mistaken if they thought they would have universal local support - Greater Rushmoor Action for Peace are strong, active and ready to resist!

Organised by: 
Organiser is an NFP member
Farnborough International Exhibition Centre Farnborough Rushmoor Hampshire GU14 6XE
Phone: 020 7424 9444 Email: Email: