‘Hope! a verb with its sleeves rolled up’

Fri, 22/07/2022 - 00:00 - Sun, 24/07/2022 - 00:00
Regular event?: 
This is a regular event
Swanwick Derbyshire
DE55 1AU

NJPN Annual Conference. We will listen to inspiring keynote speakers, take part in interactive workshops as well as in liturgical celebrations. There will be time to relax, enjoy meeting friends old and new. The peaceful atmosphere of the surroundings will provide a space for reflection and enjoyment.
For booking on line please download and complete the form on screen, save as conference booking form with surname, then email to admin@justice-and-peace.org.uk

Organised by: 
National Justice and Peace Network
Organiser is an NFP member
The Hayes, Derbyshire