Green jobs - or dangerous greenwash?

Tue, 04/07/2023 - 18:30
Regular event?: 
This is not a regular event

Ellen Robottom, Campaign against Climate Change trade union group,
Stuart Boothman, Stop Burning Trees Coalition
Don Naylor, HyNot (campaigning against HyNet greenwash and the Whitby hydrogen village)
Claire James, Campaign against Climate Change
Greenwash is not always easy to challenge: the claims to offer climate solutions; the PR offensive in local communities; and promises of 'green jobs' that in reality are neither as numerous or as environmentally friendly as promised.
But whether it’s a ‘zero carbon’ coal mine, heating homes with hydrogen, importing wood to burn in power stations, ‘sustainable aviation growth’ or offsetting, there are common themes that can give a reality check on greenwash claims and misleading jobs promises.
In this meeting we'll draw these out, to help challenge greenwash more effectively, support local campaigns, and work towards a genuine Just Transition.
6.30-8pm. Register here:

Organised by: 
Campaign Against Climate Change
Organiser is not an NFP member