Legacy of the atomic bomb: recognition for atomic test survivors

Sat, 19/02/2022 (All day)
Regular event?: 
This is not a regular event

LABRATS are hosting a seminar to showcase the nuclear testing program and its effects on the world, through the eyes of the veterans, their wives, and their descendants. 2022 is the 70th anniversary of Operation Hurricane, Britain’s first atomic test in the Montebello Islands in Western Australia. It is also the 60th anniversary of Operation Dominic, a joint US/UK operation on Christmas Island in 1962. ​In partnership with ICAN, LABRATS will discuss the legacy of the atomic bomb on atomic test survivors at this event. ​
This event will also be livestreamed. https://www.labrats.international/2022seminar

Organiser is not an NFP member
Pendulum Hotel, Sackville Street Manchester M1 3BB